Economically free countries have fewer and less severe economic crises
#29 | More liberal economies have a lower risk of a severe economic crisis, professor Christian Bjørnskov shows in this report.

Should unfairness be maintained in corporate taxation?
A vast body of research shows that workers bear most of the burden of the corporate income tax – at least half. However, this fact is almost always overlooked in…

Nanny State Index 2019
Sverige är ett av de EU-länder där politikens försök att styra medborgarnas livsstil går allra längst. Det visar nya Nanny State Index 2019.

The most comprehensive index of populism in Europe
The Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index (TAP) is based on election data from national elections stretching back to 1980. The study covers a total of 267 parties, in 300 elections in a total of 33 countries during the period 1980-2018. This makes TAP the most comprehensive index of populism in Europe.

Timbro Sharing Economy Index
The Timbro Sharing Economy Index is the first global index of the sharing economy. The index has been compiled using traffic volume data and scraped data, and provides a unique insight into the driving factors behind the peer-to-peer economy.

Is neoliberalism to blame for Orbàn and Le Pen?
Populism is on the rise, especially in Europe. Determining the causes is of crucial political importance. Some claim that ”neoliberal” policies such as deregulation and free trade have contributed to…

Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index 2017
The 2017 Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index is the only Europe-wide comprehensive study that aims to shed light on whether populism poses a long-term threat to European liberal democracies. The Index explores the rise of authoritarian populism in Europe by analysing electoral data from 1980 to the summer 2017.

Timbro 3rd Reading Group on Classical Liberal Literature, Dec 2017 – Jan 2018
Timbro keeps classical liberal literature alive and brings it to new generations.

Displacement Jobs – On the Swedish Employment Subsidies
The Swedish labor market makes use of twelve different forms of employment subsidies involving three percent of the entire active work force. In this paper Dennis Avorin, business analyst active within the EU, shows how the costs of these subsidies have become particularly pressing after the Swedish government in 2016 commissioned the Swedish Employment Agency to create 5,000 public relief jobs before the end of 2020.

Summary: Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index 2017
The 2017 Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index is the only Europe-wide comprehensive study that aims to shed light on whether populism poses a long-term threat to European liberal democracies. The Index…

Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index 2016
Never before have populist parties had as strong support throughout Europe as they do today. On average a fifth of all European voters now vote for a left-wing or right-wing…

Tax revenue resulting in a loss
Since January 1st, Sweden has the highest marginal taxes in the world. The marginal tax rate were increased by 3 percentage points for more than 400 000 persons, 8 per…

Certified teachers – better results?
As of July 2015, only certified teachers – i e teachers who have completed an accredited teaching degree - are allowed to grade students. In addition, only certified teachers can…

The Burden of Power – what Denmark and Finland can teach Sweden about left-wing populism
The burden of power is easy to talk about, but the major difficulty for left-wing populist parties are to bear government responsibility. Right-wing populist parties have the same problem.

Swedish integration policies: A good model for EU?
In an overall ranking by the Migration Policy Group of 2006 measuring immigrant integration policies in 28 countries, Sweden scored more points than any other country.

Executive summary: The New Karolinska scandal
The New Karolinska scandal report was written with the purpose of exploring under what circumstances a new type of procurement model, Public-Private Partnership (PPP), may facilitate the restoration of welfare…

Alcohol – A Successful Swedish Liberalisation
In the past 20 years Sweden has experienced a number of liberalisation measures in the alcohol field, mostly thanks to EU membership.

Integration or assimilation? An assessment of the Swedish integration debate
The basis of this report is the fact that it is problematic that an area of policy as central as integration policy suffers from so much fuzzy thinking and lack…

Consumer-friendly care – How new ideas on funding can provide new healthcare services
Welfare states only undergo reform if the changes are truly necessary, ie economically. It follows therefore that the economic crisis can create a dire need for reform. This was witnessed…
Creation and exploitation – An analysis of Sweden's Intellectual Property Performance
This paper provides a broad analysis of Sweden’s intellectual property (IP) performance. Based upon this analysis, it suggests possible policy directions, both at the domestic and at the supra-national levels,…

Sweden after the Swedish Model – From Tutorial State to Enabling State
Few social experiments have caught the imagination of politicians and students of political economy like the ‘Swedish model’. To successive generations of the centre-left Sweden was something of a paradise.…
EU versus USA
If the European Union were a state in the USA it would belong to the poorest group of states. France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany have lower GDP per capita…
Whither the European agricultural policy? – A viable reform of the CAP in the context of an enlarged EU and the Doha Development Round
EU:s jordbrukspolitik – CAP – är inte bara orsak till ständiga förseningar i de nya WTO-förhandlingarna, utan hotar också att få hela processen att spåra ur. Samtidigt utgör den en…
Whither the world trading system – Trade policy reform, the WTO and prospects for the new round
Where does the World Trade Organisation fit in the overall scheme of international public policy?
A Radical Agenda for the Millennium Round
WTO-mötet i Doha kan bli ett lika stort misslyckande som det förra WTO-mötet i Seattle 1999. Det vore ett stort bakslag för världshandeln och den stora syndabocken är EU som…
A new agenda for European agriculture – a radical proposal
- In five years the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) can be abolished and a free market for food established to the benefit of European consumers, claims Swedish economist and researcher…